New Start
Air Date: January 5, 2022
Every business has experienced at some point having to make tough decisions and coping during difficulty times. Mike and Mayra share how they rolled with the punches.
We’re Back!
Air Date: December 29, 2021
Mike and Mayra return after months of unexpected problems that kept them busy and explain how the pandemic affected their small business. In this short episode, they provide an explanation behind their absenteeism and express their optimistic outlook for a fresh new start.
Successful Client Management
Air Date: March 24, 2021
In this week’s episode, Mike and Mayra discuss how a business handles and develops its relationship with customers and future clients has a direct affect on reputation and loyalty.
Red Nose Day
Air Date: March 17, 2021
Mike and Mayra share their experience participating in the annual Red Nose Day campaign and explain how you can help children in need, both here in the United States and around the world.
Creative 2021 Pricing
Air Date: March 10, 2021
Listen as Mike and Mayra discuss how business owners must adapt their pricing strategy to stay afloat amid pandemic.
Surviving The Covid-19 Pandemic
Air Date: March 3, 2021
Staying alive during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic has been tough. Mike and Mayra discuss strategies business owners can immediately use to make pivots to keep forging ahead.
Employee Christmas Gift Ideas
Air Date: December 16, 2020
Showing appreciation to those who helped you get through the year is a nice gesture that shouldn’t break the bank. Listen to learn how!
Planning a Low-cost Budget Friendly Office Christmas Party
Air Date: December 9, 2020
Money shouldn’t be a reason to forgo an office Christmas party. There are literally dozens of ways to host an amazing fun company party – without breaking the bank!
Running Effective Meetings
Air Date: December 2, 2020
Time is money. And, poorly planned meetings are often a waste of time. This week, Mike and Mayra discuss a short list of meeting guidelines that can help avoid this common problem.
Leveraging Internships To Grow Human Resources
Air Date: November 25, 2020
Internships can be a powerful vetting process. Discover how a well-established internship program can help you to attract the best talent from your local colleges and universities.
Hiring and Managing Employees
Air Date: November 18, 2020
Attitude, experience and work ethic are just a few of the traits you must evaluate in each candidate you interview when hiring a new employee to help you grow your business.
Effective Time Management
Air Date: November 11, 2020
Busy entrepreneurs should focus energy on effective time management as a daily goal. Listen to ideas for managing your time so you can realize your goals and objectives.
How Married Co-Founders Avoid Divorce
Air Date: October 28, 2020
As in business, even the healthiest marriages remain in constant danger of failing. Mike and Mayra discuss how the efforts you take will strengthen or weaken your marriage.
Let’s Agree to Disagree
Air Date: October 21, 2020
The key to enjoying time with your spouse after a disagreement at the office is to remember that regardless of the outcome of your discord, the marriage must always win.
How Your Health Affects Your Business
Air Date: October 14, 2020
Taking care of your health is an important part of entrepreneurship. If your health is terrible, your business would suffer due to lack of energy and focus. Prioritizing fitness into your daily routine helps you return to work each day.
Attracting Investors
Air Date: October 7, 2020
Some businesses are not a great fit for angel or venture capital funding. But, what if your startup is a good candidate, but you’re having trouble getting meetings and convincing investors that your company is the next big thing?
Dealing With Competition
Air Date: September 30, 2020
Competition in general is something that you will contend with no matter what you offer and where you are in the business cycle. You will be working hard to gain the attention and eventually win the business from a target audience.
How To Get From A Business Idea To Launch
Air Date: September 23, 2020
Lots of people dream of becoming their own boss, but very few actually have an idea that can be parlayed into a business. For a business idea to succeed, you need to take methodical steps to ensure you launch from a firm base.
Marketing Ideas You Can Implement Today
Air Date: September 16, 2020
Brainstorming a cost-effective marketing strategy is never easy work. There are some things you can do prior to rolling out your marketing plan that won’t require tapping into your funds. This week Mike and Mayra provide some suggestions and recommendations to help you ramp-up your marketing efforts quickly.
You Need A Marketing Plan
Air Date: September 9, 2020
No business can grow without a proper marketing plan. And startups will have difficulty surviving without a marketing strategy that centers around customer acquisition. A marketing plan outlines a startup’s direction and approach (aka strategy) to reach its goals.
Plan Your Business
Air Date: September 2, 2020
All business experts agree on one thing: the importance of having a business plan. Yet plenty of entrepreneurs plunge into the self-employed arena without a formal business plan. We’ve heard plenty of excuses posing as reasons. It can prove even more costly in the long run.
Fools Rush In
Air Date: August 26, 2020
Couples who decide to combine their work and personal lives into one face a unique set of challenges. Yet, so many choose to jump in feet first without considering those challenges. The reality of every startup is that it’s much easier to fail than it is to succeed; specially for married co-founders. So, how do you ensure that both parties are pulling their weight and headed in the same direction?
The 3 Cs of Successful Entrepreneurship
Air Date: August 19, 2020
Being a successful married entrepreneur couple means more than starting new ventures together. It requires an intentional effort from both spouses with the right attitude towards the business and the determination and grit to achieve success. Mike and Mayra offer their formula for becoming an entrepreneur couple with a strong inner drive that helped them to succeed.